If you didnt know already, Chanel is my favorite designer. To me, words like "timeless" and "classic" are synonymous with Chanel.
While working a seasonal job at Anthropologie (great store by the way!), iCame across this book and HAD to have it!
Im on Chapter 3: On Fearlessness and Karen Karbo said EXACTLY what Im thinking everytime iVisit http://www.chanel.com/ :
"...What am I doing? What in the hell am I doing? Just because I adore Chanel, am in awe of her, wish to emulate her style, grit, spunk, and wit..., I have no business assuming I have the means to own any Chanel.
I am the average consumer: I have several credit cards in my wallet. One of them magically summons forth a monthly magazine whose sole purpose is to remind me that there are stupendously expensive things to buy out there, luxury items that would have fallen off my radar had they ever been on it."
LOL Good book so far. :-)